To determine your level of Spanish, do the level test.
Consult the general conditions before enrolling.
Fill in the enrolment form and send it online to DILE. You can also send it by e-mail, fax or post if you prefer.
When DILE acknowledges receipt of your enrolment, send the reservation fee of 120 euros and confirm the payment that has been made to us by e-mail, fax or letter.
The enrolment acknowledgement is automatic, and some e-mail boxes reject it. Please ensure that you contact the school if you have not received the acknowledgement within 24 hours.
The amount received in payment of the reservation of your place will be deducted from the total invoice drawn up for you by DILE. Consult the general conditions before enrolling.
The reservation fee payment can be made in the following way:
Name: DILE Cursos Internacionales de Español
Account: IBAN ES94 2100 6154 5102 0002 9770
In cash or by credit card, at the DILE office, on the first day of the course.
DILE Cursos Internacionales de Español reserves the right to cancel reservation made if they do not fulfil the conditions of payment.